It ALL changed in January 2000...
The telephone rang. Little did I know that on that cold winter's day in Boulder, Colorado, my life and career would be forever changed.
Joanne shared with me her life's story. She described herself as a transsexual. She spoke of the travails of trying to conform to the man she was assigned at birth to be rather than become the woman she knew herself to be. She had done the manly things expected of her–like military service¬where she excelled. Then there were her radio broadcasting days when her booming baritone voice carried no reflection of her feminine soul across the airwaves. Finally, well into her adult years, she transitioned. But, she struggled with her voice. And when I answered the telephone that fateful January morning, she asked me if I had any experience working with "people like me." I said, "No, but as a speech pathologist, I have a lot of experience working with people's voices." She responded, "Well, I'll teach you about me and the transgender community if you'll teach me about changing my voice."
After working with a few people like Joanne over the next few years, it became clear that there were many more people who needed a program like the one I created. So I teamed up with a colleague here in Denver, Lynn Skinner, and we created Fundamentals of Your Feminine Voice.
Now, after 10 fabulous years, it's time to say, "Goodbye."
This groundbreaking program has helped to transform thousands of voices, but now it's time to forge ahead with new products and programs.

Beyond the Fundamentals
Beyond the Fundamentals I: The Next Dimension is a 72-minute MP3 audio program that focuses on the EXACT elements that will take you from having a passable feminine voice to having a beautiful feminine voice.
This advanced voice feminization program concentrates on these four areas:
1. The Daily Dozen Drills: A structured set of routines that will help you perfect all 9 Elements of an Exceptional Feminine Voice.
2. Pop Belt Voice Placement Exercises: Designed to help you develop a feminine "ring" of your voice.
3. Advanced Transfer Strategies and Exercises: Learning how to go from structured exercises to spontaneously speaking in a feminine voice is your biggest challenge. Advanced transfer exercises will help you develop feminine resonance, melodic intonation, and fluency into real lifexs speaking.
4. Coughing, Sneezing, and Laughing Strategies: It's a dead giveaway when you cough or sneeze; learn how to sound feminine when a cough, sneez or fit of laughter sneaks up unexpectedly.

The 30 Day Crash Course
The Exceptional Voice method was updated in 2012 and a new program, the 30-Day Crash Course, a beginner's level voice feminization program emerged. Instead of only audio instruction, the 30-Day Crash Course provides video instruction to demonstrate the voice feminization techniques more effectively. The 30-Day Crash Course is a total package that will give you the tools, structure and strategies you need to achieve a passable feminine voice.
The Crash Course is an online course that consists of live streaming instructional and practice videos, downloadable notes and worksheets. You can participate in the 30-Day Crash Course from anywhere in the world any time of the day from the privacy of your own home, office or hotel room. You can work with the videos on your iPhone, iPad or other smartphone or tablet.
Since the 30-Day Crash Course is an independent study program, you can fit the course around your own schedule. You can pause your training and resume when you have more time. You can extend your training and work with each class for two weeks or even a month. You can take the course at your leisure to further absorb the concepts behind the training.

In our ongoing effort to provide you with comprehensive and effective training to help you along your journey to having your voice match your feminine identity, Kathe collaborated with Amadhia to produce, feminEssence: A Guided Meditation for Your Feminine Voice.
Meditation has been practiced since ancient times. For thousands of years people have experienced the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of meditation. Many scientific studies have proven that meditation enhances brain function, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, reduces anxiety and improves our overall health.
The power of the mind to influence the body is quite remarkable. Meditation is a discipline for your mind, just like walking or swimming are exercises for your body.
feminEssence: A Guided Meditation for Your Feminine Voice is a complete guided meditation and visualization program designed to feminize your voice and allow you to speak from the pure essence of your feminine heart and soul. It consists of five complete downloadable sessions and a detailed User Guide to help you to maximize your results.

Eva F
Eva F (2.2) is an iOS voice-training mobile app for transgender people.
Eva's unique voice training methodology consists of video-based instruction and practice, as well as several targeted self-guided exercises per lesson that use specially designed visual tools to translate your voice output into an easily recognizable representation on screen. These visually interactive tools provide you with a straightforward and playful learning experience.
The FREE Eva F app comes with our uniquely designed pitch-tuner tool and includes a comprehensive sample lesson, so you can get started training your voice right away! The free lesson gives you the opportunity to test the Exceptional Voice method and see if it is right for you before spending any money. Additional lessons are available as in-app purchases for only $4.99 each.
What is your highest vision for yourself? Has it come true yet?
We all have to begin somewhere. You made your first steps toward feminizing your voice when you initially purchased the Fundamentals of Your Feminine Voice. Now, some weeks or months (or maybe years) have gone by and you're making some progress with your voice, yet you wonder if you're "doing it right."
Now that you have a clear vision for yourself, and you've taken the important first few steps toward mastering your feminine voice, try one of these other programs will make the difference in taking your voice to the next level.
You'll be happy you took this next step!
I believe in you,
Kathe Perez
Denver, Colorado